Juniper Parker is getting her Masters in Flute Performance from West Virginia University, studying under Professor Nina Assimakopoulos. She attended Western Kentucky University to get her Bachelor of Music Performance, studying under Dr. Heidi Álvarez. She was principle chair in WKU’s Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, and Symphonic band while there. Juniper has competed in several flute competitions, earning first place twice in the Flute Society of Kentucky, attended the Kentucky Governor’s School for the Arts and was second chair at KMEA’s intercollegiate band. She also won WKU’s concerto competition and performed with the WKU Wind Ensemble. Juniper has taught beginner lessons, sectionals for band camps, and has played for churches for years. She is also currently beginning to compose her own music, which has been a new interest of hers. In her free time, she loves spending time with her dog, Piper.

Juniper Posing


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