Well it’s been a hot minute… I got home Friday and it’s been pretty nice being home. I saw a friend Friday which is always fun as I don’t get to see her much anymore so we caught up. Saturday I ended up getting Korean BBQ with my family which was super yummy!! I also caught up on some Stray Kids performances. And honestly other than that, my weekend was pretty boring, but in a good way. It’s nice to be home and to relax a little bit after the semester ended.

Piper ready for our 5 hour drive home

Taking a break I think can be really difficult for me, especially because it’s hard for me to end the break. It’s easy to start the break, but ending it can be hard. But, somehow I ended my break today and practiced. I think the other thing that helped is I’m really motivated about writing music right now, so I ended my break with that, since I was excited about it. Also, writing things down motivates me. So yesterday, I made a training log as I would as if I were back in school and started it today. For me, if I write it down, I feel like I have to do it. So those two things combined I think have really helped my motivation, because usually during semester breaks, I don’t practice or anything. Another kind of surprise motivational thing was (embarrassingly enough) one of Stray Kid’s recent livestreams. The entire live was Bang Chan (the teams leader and producer) writing and basically showing his producing process. To me it was super interesting, even though I can’t understand a lot of what he’s saying, to see someone do the work that I’ve been interested in. Like, he mostly spoke Korean, but I could understand what he was doing because it’s basically what I do when I start making a song, which was really cool. I didn’t need to completely understand what he was saying because I was able to follow along in the process since they’re similar. I also just love their music and look up to Bang Chan, so watching him make part of a song within a short hour really motivated me. It was really cool to watch!! I probably won’t ever make music that’s quite as cool, but I can enjoy listening to whatever I make. I don’t even know if anyone could relate to this but, it was really motivating to me to watch!!

The first time practicing after a break I feel like can be pretty rough. I haven’t played in a week-ish so I didn’t sound the best….and I hate doing things like long tones to work on my sound. I wanna do the fun stuff and play music. So that’s what I did today so my motivation wouldn’t be crushed by how not-so-great I sounded. I’ll do more of the boring but important stuff tomorrow hopefully so I can get back into sounding how I normally do. But for today, it was straight to working on music. Specifically, the audition music, chant de linos, and a run of the Chaminade. I think it’s still a bit too soon to start working hard on the Chaminade again lol. The audition music here is actually kinda hard, which is a bit unusual for me. My band/orchestra audition music in the past hasn’t been all that bad, but this one is actually a bit difficult. Mostly weird rhythms for me honestly…I hate them. But yeah. That’s about all I have, nothing too exciting. I’m thinking I’ll post an update again on Friday, but probably more likely next Monday!

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