Yeah, I was actually productive this weekend. Again, that’s not normal for me. Maybe this medication is actually working some…weird. Let’s see Saturday I finished up everything for my research and bib class, did my last theory assignment, and looked at exam stuff for theory, as well as did my lesson notes and even figured out my jury paperwork. Then, very exciting, I practiced as well. I started with testing out some bass and alto flutes we got sent to our studio since we have a lovely sponsor wanting to buy the studio new flutes (yay)! I fell in love with one of the bass flutes. I don’t know what it is about it, but I love it. It sounds incredible and I wish I could buy it for myself. I ended up messing around with the different flutes for like an hour though…I couldn’t even tell you what I played, but it was fun. Afterwards, I got more serious and practiced my jury piece. Today, I also practiced!! I seriously couldn’t tell you the last time I practiced on a Saturday and Sunday. I don’t think that’s happened all semester. I was just feeling really motivated, and I think for today I was honestly excited to get my hands on that bass flute again. But I had an idea about a new post, so that’s what I worked on for a bit before once again getting serious. Though I did play through Tuberama today, which is such a fun piece that I’m excited for. But yeah, I really don’t know how I managed to get myself out of bed both days to practice. I’m amazed with myself and my sudden boost of motivation. I really might have found a medication, but I don’t want to get too excited because another medication I tried did this, then just kinda stopped working. We’ll see.

This is such a boring post, but I don’t know. It is what it is. It’s my blog anyway. I almost forgot to write today though because I have been binging Stray Kid’s music videos…I don’t know why. But I have and ugh, their music is just so incredibly comforting to me I can’t explain it. They’re also able to put like all of my thoughts and feelings into words that I never can. It’s really cool to watch them though and see how much their videos and music have changed. I’ve spent an embarrassing amount of my weekend watching their music videos…but I am who I am I guess. That’s all I really have for this weekend.

I’m trying to decide what I should do with this blog over break, as my break will probably be a lot like my weekends, very uneventful. I know what you’re thinking “then why did you start this blog just before break Juniper?”. Well I’ll tell you why. If I waited I most definitely would have never started this. I was really motivated about this when I started it and knew I needed to just start instead of waiting around for me to never do it. So I started it even if it was at a weird time. But I’ve also been considering just blogging every other day in general because I feel like things just haven’t been interesting, but I’ll probably figure that out when the next semester starts. I think for break my goal will be to blog once or twice a week. That sounds good. It’s only 3 weeks I think. I may include this upcoming week within that as well, as I really don’t have much going on and I’ve been debating on taking a week off after my jury. I always like to take a break during my breaks (duh), but I do think it’s really important. I have been known though to take a week off during a break and having that week turn into multiple weeks. So I think after my jury Tuesday, I’ll break until Monday when I’m back at home, then probably have Christmas Eve and Christmas off. That’s what I’m thinking. So, for the next month (wow I guess that’s right) I’m just going to aim for blogging once or twice a week, unless something big happens.

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