Yeah, I’m not sure about that blogging once a week thing lol. It’s been almost 2…but my life during the summer isn’t very exciting, and honestly it’s weird to blog at home because like I’ve mentioned, I don’t talk about my feelings, but I’m trying. I haven’t been up to too much, I honestly think I’ve only gotten myself to practice once within these 2 weeks, but I’m going to try harder to get more into a routine and add practice back in. I think the key to that is going to be a trip to the library every so often so I can plan, and I want to get back into studying more pedagogy things. We’ll see how successful I am, but I think a routine will help. If not, then maybe I need to start looking at going back to WV, where I know that my brain will be more in “school and work” mode than “chilling with family”…

Anywho, I have been enjoying my time at home. My friend moved apartments and I’m low key jealous of hers because it’s nice. She’s having a hard time finding someone to walk her dog, as she works 12 hour days, so I’ll be over there a few days a week when she has long shifts to walk her dog. Which I honestly don’t mind, she’s got a good dog. I also discovered a new boba place near me! Which is super exciting to me lol. Definitely a place I’ll probably visit too many times this summer.

Just look at it…how can it not be good?…

Then I also was over at a different family friends house at some point, apparently to celebrate my dad’s birthday early? (it’s in July so EARLY early). But they have a ton of reptiles they take care of and apparently their turtles had a baby and I was obsessed with it. It was so tiny and cute and I wanted to steal it but I didn’t.

And really, that’s all the excitement that’s happened. My mood and mental health has kinda been all over. Some days I’m great and motivated, other days I’m sitting around thinking about all the things I need to be doing but just can’t seem to move, which then causes me to not be so nice to myself. Just a constant battle lol. But it’s fine, that’s my life. I know as much as I dislike being in a routine for months, it does help all of this, especially at the beginning, so I’m hoping that by forcing myself into a routine I’ll start feeling better. But then I’ll have to spice up the routine every now and then or my depression will sky rocket, because who wants to do the exact same thing every single day? Not me.

Also, I feel like I already blogged about this, but also not…so I may be repeating. BUT. I did officially get an assistantship next semester that isn’t biology, which is very exciting!! It just so happened to fall into place, which normally doesn’t happen. Basically, a conducting student is coming, but doesn’t need the conducting assistantship, so my band director offered it to me to help with the band, and clearly I agreed. So my last year will be spent as a band GA, helping out in their office with music, playing in band, maybe even helping marching band some, and whatever else they need. I’m very thankful and excited!

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