I’m finally back home after a very very long week. Starting off with going back to WV to see some people before they leave. I had a lot of fun with them, another BestBuy run, some mario cart and super smash, food, and ending the day with a movie. It was really nice…but man am I going to miss them T_T. Like….a lot 🙁 . And I’m sure I’ll be even more sad when the semester starts and they aren’t there.

my bestiesssss <3333

After I got back home, my Thursday started off bright and early at 6am with a flight to Salt Lake City for a layover. We were flying standby, so we weren’t sure everyone was going to make it onto the second flight, but by some miracle, we all did. Once we were in Nevada, there was no break, we were headed to the cemetery and funeral home for my friend to sign more papers and finalize things. Then I was swept into meeting extended family of my friend, which was a lot. Eventually, we got to sleep though. Friday was the day of the funeral, which was again a lot of emotions. The ceremony and thing afterwards were alright, but the burial for me was more difficult than I expected. He was in the army, so some people from the army were there to present a flag to my friend, which was really cool. Then there was the actual burial, full of tears and all. The really dumb thing was that they wouldn’t let us watch the casket get into the ground because some military person fell into a hole and they decided not to let people watch anymore. The cemetery is really beautiful though, easily the prettiest part of Nevada that I saw. After the burial was more running all over with extended family. It was really a blur. Saturday we left super early again, with another 6am flight. We all got onto our second flight pretty easily as well and then I was headed back home where I just slept.

Then was mother’s day, which again, I slept through a lot of. Yesterday, man I don’t even know I probably slept more honestly lol. I was really wiped out from the week. Today, I was more productive. I finally finished up my composition, which is now on my social media, YouTube, and here on the blog, which is exciting. I also was over at my friends to help take care of her pup by taking her on a walk, though it was raining and we got a bit wet. I also updated my website a bit, adding onto it some studio information which is also exciting! And that’s about all I have to update on, not the most exciting, but something. Last week kind of felt like a whole month ago lol. I’m going to try to get back onto a schedule for blogging, but I’m unsure I’ll be successful. I think for now, I’m going to aim for just once a week.

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