So I didn’t post yesterday… but it wasn’t too interesting of a day. I had my last research and bibliography class (yay), then went and waited to see my bio students. My lesson was really great yesterday though, I was able to run through the Chaminade and improve it some more as well as just talk about how the semester went. I’m really proud of the progress I’ve made. We had our last studio class as well where we all just talked and ate some food which was nice. I did start to not feel good, honestly early in the day when I was waiting for my biology students, but when I got home, my stomach was cramping and I had a headache, so I honestly just ate and went to bed. So that’s why I missed posting. I am fine and better today haha.

Today is actually my birthday! I’m 23, which is really freaking weird. We didn’t have classes today since it’s a “study day”, which was nice. I went to the biology building for the last time (maybe) and completely finished all of the grades for my students. I also got my comments back, which were honestly so nice. I’ve said it a million times, but I’m going to miss them!!

Some of my favorite comments :))

Once my grades were finalized, I went to get boba with some bio TA’s and then headed to the music building to do another little “memory pod” with different people, which was great. I’m still frustrated that I’ve been working all semester on memorizing this piece and I’m still having memory blips, but I don’t think there’s much else I can do. It’s okay though, I’ll keep at it. Other than that, that’s about it. People keep telling me I should do something for my birthday, but I honestly never really do. I’ve never really had friends or people around me to do something with, and I guess that’s changed this year, but I also don’t think anyone is super spontaneous and last minute and would want to do something. That could just be my anxiety though. Either way, me not doing anything on my birthday is pretty normal, at least I didn’t have to do my jury today!!

I am going to take a quick moment to appreciate how much 22 has brought me, because wow. From traveling solo to auditions, and traveling solo with my pup to the beach, my senior recital, starting anxiety medication, my first (and second tattoo…sorry mom), a concerto, a broken wrist, seeing Cavetown in person, graduating college, a road trip across the country (where I somehow have no photos of), going to NJ with my sister and seeing Stray Kids live (akhfgal!!!!), and ending with moving to WV, meeting new friends (omg finally!!), teaching biology, and so much more. I mean wow, so much has happened. 22 has been a whirlwind of emotions, good and bad. I’ve traveled and had experiences I wouldn’t change for the world and I’m so happy about that. So much has changed this past year and I’ve somehow survived it. I struggled a lot, but I also have so many happy memories from the past year and for that I am extremely grateful. For once in my life, I’m actually excited to see what the next year will bring me, even though I know it won’t all be easy. Man, I get way to sappy on here lol. See you Sunday!

Flute studio friends here 😀

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