Once again, my day started with me practicing. I refused to practice in a practice room downstairs, so I actually woke up early today to practice in the flute studio and then finished up practicing in a classroom. I feel like my practice today was pretty normal and good. I worked a lot on the Chaminade again, but every time I pull it out to practice it, I find something new to work on. I also just wanna kick butt at my jury and later the competition. I am going to start working more on new music tomorrow, adding in Chant de Linos and Tuberama. It’s definitely time for new music, even though the music I played this semester will likely be on my recital. It’ll be nice to have a bit of time away from it to work on other things, then add it back into the routine. I’ve been working some on Chant de Linos since I know it’s going to take a lot of work to learn because it’s so difficult. But yeah, not much going on flute wise today. After that I had some time in-between before my class so I ended up coloring for way to long. It was honestly really nice though lol. Then was my class and biology “classes”. It felt like an eternity today since I saw a few people for like a minute then they were gone, but I had to be there for like 3 hours. During that time, I listened to a lot of Stray Kids, finished an assignment, and drew a Christmas tree and also just hung out with the other flute-bio TA’s. One of my students did come and chat with me for a while as well which was really nice 🙂 . She’s one I’m definitely going to miss.

When we were finally free, we headed off to eat at an Asian food place which was pretty good. Again, it’s always nice to chat and hang out with people. We also ended up going to the nearby asian food market where I spent way too much money…but it’ll be worth it I’m sure.

this came out BOILING, which is why the sides look like that, I’m not that much of a messy eater

That’s really about all for today. It felt like such a long day, but other than my practice session early in the day, it was a lot of waiting around. And I get to do the same again tomorrow, but I have my lesson and studio which will spice up the day hopefully.

My mental health overall has seemed to be somewhat steady on my new medication, which is nice. It definitely has some side effects though, the most annoying being insomnia. I woke up at like 5am today and couldn’t go back to sleep and it takes me forever to fall asleep, even if I’m tired. I also either have no appetite or am absolutely starving all day… or that could just be me and not my medication. I definitely understand when people talk about feeling more numb on medications. I think that’s sort of happening with this one, like I’m not exactly happier, but I don’t feel as depressed. Anxiety is definitely still pretty high though, which sucks. Hopefully it’ll all start to even out though.

Random side note- I just figured out that image thing on the main page….I can’t decide if I like it or not…I do, but then I feel like it makes the post stand out too much, so I should do it for all and I don’t know that I can get that many aesthetic pictures lol

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